Spelling Father as Mother, or Other

Today is December 29, 2012, and provided that my calendar is correct and there are only 2 days remaining in 2012, I will have successfully kept my New Year’s resolution of 2012.  Here are the highlights of this year, which I will happily forfeit to the coming year, pimples and all.

11)       I started a blog, which I’d been dreaming about for years.  You are here now.  It might be a nightmare, but you will probably wake up soon.  From what I understand, proper sleep is only obtained during the hours of 4am-6am, usually inadvertently interrupted by cell phone alarms and realizations that you haven’t checked your bank account balance in the past 4 days.
22)      I’ve mixed and co-mingled my hearts’ true desires- What began as a Buddhist Peace and Justice League Occupier became a Code Pink Wannabee  ( I’m wearing Purple anyhow) which became a Chef for the Homeless.  Last night, Ken Finberg and I served 43 meals to folks who were cold, starving in various ways, and very, very grateful.   My biggest regret:  not giving both a slice of home-baked pumpkin bread AND a home-baked chocolate/mint-chocolate chip cookie to the 14-year-old homelesss kid.  He was so kind, and the decision seemed a big part of who he was at that very moment.  I let him make it, and I sure as hell hope he enjoyed my pumpkin bread.  I would like to kiss him, but I’m so sick still___ it would probably suck for him for much longer than it would have made me feel really special.
33)      I topped off the year on Christmas Eve, which most are wont to observe with fierce tradition, with a request for Ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order.  If you think that it’s wrong to follow intention #2 with this #3 highlighted intention, you’re perfectly Right.  That is, unless, you know the meaning of the Three Jewels, which I’m still defining in my own right.  Oh, God, please let me be wrong.

14)      I left the tax office – this time for good.  Somehow, being at the right place at the right time, I found the right team of women (and man) to support with my bookkeeping skills.  Forward Together advocates for reproductive justice, gender justice, youth activism, and strong families’ rights in groundbreaking ways.  I couldn’t have landed in a better place, and it has renewed my appreciation for my own work, as well.  It’s about time!
55)      If you’ve never listened to and communicated with birds, you and I are probably from the same planet, and I’m okay with that.  As one sentient being to another, you’re probably hearing a different drummer.  Obviously, I’m a cellist without a bow.  But I do have one of those Wa-Wa  distortion pedals.  I’m still __ just sayin’.
66)      Sit down now.  Pull up a cushion.  It’s comfy and your back could use the break.  Obviously, recognition will follow. . .
77)      I became a library technician in December of 2012.  Finally, I finished a course I set out to complete.  I didn’t drop out.  I didn’t make excuses on my mid-term, my final, my unpaid internship, nor my application for certification.  I deserve this certification like nothing I’ve ever earned before (AND I’ve previously earned NO degrees), and I am the best Library Technician you’ve never met.)   To date, you will still find me struggling with the fact that I’m 46 years old and I dreamed of starting a new career helping people find resources that rock their world, in a library setting.  Um, sorry, can’t pay the bills that way.  So, get used to the fact, please, that because of our incredibly high standard of living in the Western World, NOBODY pays their bills the minute they arrive.  WE postpone – artfully, gracefully, until belief turns into disbelief, and everything is back to normal===cy.
88)       I stopped here, because  I am full of it.  Surly, there is some blog that continues on to 10 .  I urge you to go there now.
99)      Silence, please.  The more you say, the less there is for me to say.

110)   I like to take things slowly.  Except for the fact that ALL WARS SHOULD END AT THIS VERY MOMENT.  I AM SURE ALL SOLDIERS AND SPOUSES AND OFFSPRING AND SECOND-LINE COMBATANTS AND INCENDIARIES WILL ENDORSE THIS.   Whom did you endorse in the Elections of 2012?  (Still asking_________________________________________________+ ?)
111)   A sacred number, according to Pythagoras. 
112)   A baker’s dozen, deserves one more.
113)   I choose 11.  But he’s inherently involved.
No more batter.  Please.
Did you know that the number 4 equals Work?  What is work to you?  Is it your life number?  If it were, what would it mean to you?  Is there a difference when there is a personal definition?  If so, I urge you to define each moment with a personal definition, and watch IT take shape.  See the difference?  That is Presence____My Resolution for 2013.

A Tribute to Marshall Davis Jones:

A Tribute to Ken Finberg:
 You Rock!!!!!  And what's more, You Rock On A Bicycle!!!!