Calling the Shots & Back to Basics

Last night, I was woken by gunfire -- about two rounds going off not too far away.  This is unusual for my neighborhood, so after huddling timidly in bed for a minute, I got up to peek out the window to see if anyone might be out on the street.  My next reaction was to turn off the light and go back to bed.  Well, that’s a pretty crazy and disturbing reaction when what one should really be doing is turning on the lights, calling about the shots, or at least checking things out to know what’s up in the world.  Each time I do, I am completely overwhelmed with how much I want to change it.  There is so much happening right now! We are so limited by these constructs called time and work and money, but they do tend to drive our day.

The whole incident and resulting lack of sleep has left me feeling the need to get back to basics. Throughout the week, I'll be working on assembling some of my favorite sources into links, as I learn the basics of blogging, and try to take it a little slower. This month is already quite stacked for me -- I've got a Buddhist retreat starting this week that will last the entire month, Occupy events happening, it's the beginning of a new tax season and towards the end of the month I start a new semester of Library Tech coursework. And Zoe! Phew!

Today's Back to Basics Picks:

Meditation:  Mindfulness of Breath  

Instruction to improve the quality of your mind and your life. Highly recommended!

constitution:  As in the care and nourishment of the body

The Constitution:  As in a Charter of Freedom
Not a bad refresher course.

News Pick of the Day:  
Paul Cienfuego’s “We The People”  Alternative Radio Podcast

For only $1, you can have your mind blown by someone that one of my clients, the LEEDS certified architect Ross Levy said of him, “This guy makes so much sense, someone’s gonna kill him.”  Thank you, Ross, for turning me onto KALW 91.7 Radio in SF, which broadcast this show yesterday and has some incredible programming.  I owe you one ($1). This show is especially fitting in the wake of the Occupy Rose Parade event in Pasadena yesterday.  Wow!  What an image!  

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